Clinical Nurse Specialists
In the spotlight.
Check out POD: PHSA on Demand.
September 3, 2024 PHSA Strategy
Clinical nurse specialists: A vital support for nursing and patient care
Andrea Visscher
Manager, Communications
As part of our vision to create an equitable, anti-racist, and culturally safe health system where everyone thrives, PHSA is innovating by reintroducing clinical nurse specialist (CNS) roles. This renewed attention on the CNS role has the potential to positively impact patients, enhance the nursing workforce and accelerate system transformation. National Clinical Nurse Specialist Recognition Week, observed this year from Sept. 1-7, provides an opportunity to celebrate and highlight the valuable contributions that CNSs make across our systems of care.
Spotlight Article:
A Must Read!
CNABC is proud to spotlight a groundbreaking article published in the Journal of Nursing Leadership titled "Moving Beyond Ignorance and Epistemic Violence: Indigenous Health Nurses' Response to Systems Transformation." This article delves into the critical role of Indigenous health nurses in challenging systemic inequities and fostering transformative change within healthcare systems.
The article sheds light on the persistent issues of ignorance and epistemic violence that Indigenous communities face in the healthcare system. It highlights the courageous and innovative approaches taken by Indigenous health nurses to advocate for and implement systems transformation. By addressing these deep-rooted challenges, the authors underscore the importance of integrating Indigenous knowledge and practices into mainstream healthcare, thereby promoting equity and cultural safety.
Join us in exploring this compelling work and let it serve as a catalyst for meaningful change in the pursuit of a more just and inclusive healthcare system.
CNSABC’s Tannis Anderson, CNS Primary Care
CNSABC is proud to spotlight this article by an incredible team of Clinical Nurse Specialists, Interior Health, BC
Mend and Tend - Healing Wounds on the DTES
Clinical Nurse Specialist Lisa Maks is interviewed by Global News
Lisa Maks, CNS Diabetes, PHC and Co-Founder of Mend and Tend Drop in Wound Service is interviewed on Global BC. February 17, 2024
Meet Victoria Casas-Alcuaz,
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Frail Elderly-Older Adult Network, FHA
Victoria has been selected to present at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement this December for their work “Delirium and Frailty Prevention across FH: The Frail Elderly-Older Adult Network Journey”
“My passion is to be part of the solution and enable responsive Older Adult Care whenever and wherever they may be in the care continuum – acute, outpatients, community or LTC/A/L. I also want to raise the profile of CNSs and the value we bring with our systems work. Cheers to us!”
“As a clinical nurse specialist at St. Paul’s, Michelle Carter is already engaged in research to improve patient outcomes. Carter is using her in-hospital experience and her master’s degree to improve systems related to reproductive psychiatry”
Bridging the gap between curing and caring
It’s the definition of a game changer. A first-in-Canada research initiative. An opportunity to engage and retain our amazing nurses and allied health professionals. And another compelling way to involve our patients as partners in care and research.
by Leah Bjornson
Meet Michelle Carter, Clinical Nurse Specialist at St. Paul’s Hospital; Dr. Sanda Lauck, PhD, RN, inaugural holder of the St. Paul’s Hospital and Heart & Stroke Professorship in Cardiovasular Nursing ; and Kate Davies, speech-laguage pathogoist at St. Paul’s
Happy Nurses Week 2023:
Providence Health Care: The Daily Scan
The Sunday Night Health Show on CKNW November 7, 2022
Listen to Lisa Maks, CNS Diabetes at Providence Health Care as she joins Maureen McGrath on Global News Radio 980 CKNW with Maymuna Ismail, a patient living with diabetes.